CSA2020 CSA2020

The 4th Conference on Computing Systems and Applications

December 14, 2020, Algiers, Algeria

  • Track 1: Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

- Pattern recognition and machine learning
- Deep learning
- Information fusion
- Logic and formal reasoning
- Modeling and optimization
- Operational research, scheduling and planning
- Stochastic processes
- Agent-based intelligent systems
- Big data analytics
- Soft computing and approximate reasoning
  • Track 2: Computer Networks and Security

- Network reliability and fault tolerance
- Cognitive and software defined networks
- New Trends in Internet Technology
- Network protocols and standardization
- Wireless sensor networks
- Ambient intelligent systems
- Internet of things
- Performance evaluation and analysis of networks
- Information-centric networking
- Security and privacy
- Cyber Criminality
- Access control and authentication
- Cryptography
- Cloud computing
  • Track 3: Information Systems and Software Engineering

- Web services design
- Social network analysis and applications
- Information Retrieval
- Natural Language Processing
- Semantic web and ontology
- Complex query processing
- Decision support systems
- Service oriented software engineering
- Trust, privacy and security of information systems
- Reverse engineering
- Testing, maintenance and quality of software systems
- High performance computing
- Distributed and parallel information systems
  • Track 4: Computer Vision and Graphics

- Virtual reality
- Augmented reality
- Computational geometry
- Scientific visualization
- 3D rendering
- Computer animation
- Computer vision
- Signal and image processing
- Robot navigation
- Human machine interaction